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* 1993 in Tehran, Iran //  based in Munich, Germany




Marjan Baniasadi (geb. 1993) ist eine iranische Künstlerin, die seit 2021 in Deutschland lebt. Für sie sind Perserteppiche nicht nur Gebrauchsgegenstände, sondern lebende Objekte, die in der Lage sind, Geschichten aufzuzeichnen. Indem sie Mythen, Erzählungen und Fantasien aus verschiedenen Zeiten einbeziehen, beschreiben und vermitteln diese Teppiche in jedem einzelnen zusammengewebten Faden einfache und komplexe Erzählungen über das Leben und den Tod, über Schmerz und Vergnügen, über Könige und Bauern.
Jeder Teppich ist Zeuge seiner eigenen Geschichte und verbirgt und erzählt dann jene auf seine eigene Weise. Durch die Schattierungen, Muster und Texturen der Leinwände versucht Marjan Baniasadi diese verschiedenen Ausdrucksformen zu kombinieren. Sie verbindet und erforschet diese, um sie dann in einem bestimmten Moment widerzuspiegeln und die Arbeiten selbst zu unantastbaren Erinnerungen werden zu lassen.



Marjan Baniasadi (*1993) is an Iranian contemporary visual artist currently based in Germany. For her, Persian carpets are not only commodities but mobile living objects capable of listening and recording the time. Through incorporating myths, tales and fantasies of multiple times, these rugs, in each and every thread woven together, imbibe, delineate and convey simple and complex narratives of life and death, of pain and pleasure, of kings and peasants. Each individual carpet witnesses, conceals and then narrates a story of its own. Through the shades, patterns and textures of rugs, Marjan Baniasadi seeks to combine, connects and investigates their different forms of expression and transforms them into modes of her personal stories which in a way reflect the artist's state of mind at a certain point in time, which later become untouchable memories of their own.



2021 Current Diploma in Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Klasse Pia Fries, Munich, Germany
2018-2020 MA Ceramic Design University of Pécs, Hungary
2016-2017 MA (Hons.) Visual arts at National college of Arts, Lahore, Pakistan
2012-2016 Bachelor of Fine Arts, [Painting] National College of Arts, Lahore, Pakistan


2024 "The Melody Beneath", JO VAN DE LOO, Munich,Germany
2022/2023 "A Singing Bird in an Open Cage", JO VAN DE LOO, Munich,Germany
2022 "Berlin Front views" Pop up Exhibition at Haunt_Berlin , Germany
2021  "Interwoven Narratives", Azad Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2020 "Woven Narratives of Time", Taseer Art Gallery, Collateral Event of Lahore Biennale 02,Lahore, Pakistan
2018 "In Praise of Other Places", O Art Space, Lahore, Pakistan

2022 "A Decade", Satrang Gallery, Islamabad, Pakistan — “Who is an Artist?”, VM Art Gallery, Karachi, Pakistan — "Dual Genesis", two persons show of Marjan Baniasadi and Maryam Baniasadi, Chawkandi art Gallery, Karachi, Pakistan 2021 "Days of Heartbreak", curated by Nicola E. Petek, Pony Royal, Berlin, Germany — "DOSIS I", Institut für Zukunft, Leipzig, Germany — "Summerscape 2021", Koel Gallery, Karachi, Pakistan — "SHABTAB (9)", Azad Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran 2020 "Histories Within", two persons show, Satrang Art Gallery, Islamabad, Pakistan — "Empowering Pakistan" group show, World Bank, Islamabad, Pakistan — 2019 "Forty/Fifty/Sixty Pieces of Iranian Contemporary Art", Azad Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran — "Two person show", Chawkandi Art Gallery, Karachi, Pakistan 2018 "Transition of Tradition", two persons show, Taseer Art Gallery, Lahore, Pakistan 2017 "Imago mundi", Lines in the Sand representing Pakistan, Luciano Benetton Collection Map of the new Art, Venice 2017 "Beneath the Surface", Group show of emerging Artists, Canvas Gallery, Karachi, Pakistan — "Explore. Dream. Discover.", Sanat Gallery, Karachi, Pakistan — "Postcardese", Group Exhibition of Iranian Contemporary Artists, Azad Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran, Haan Art Gallery Shiraz, Iran, Aknoon Art Gallery Isfahan, Iran— "Immediacy 2", Group painting Exhibition at Haan Art Gallery, Shiraz, Iran 2016 "A present in duality", two-person show of Marjan Baniasadi and Maryam Baniasadi, Azad Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran — "Collective Renditions", Group Show Featuring promising young Graduates from National College of arts, Curated by Zahra Khan” At Satrang Art Gallery, Islamabad, Pakistan — "Ibteda", Group Show at Studio Seven Gallery, Karachi, Pakistan — "14th emerging talent exhibition", V.M Art Gallery, Karachi, Pakistan — "Becoming", Group show, Paint Bucket Gallery, Lahore, Pakistan — "Neon", Group show curated by Zeeshan Mohammad, Sanat Gallery, Karachi Pakistan — "News from tomorrow", Group show curated by Canvas Gallery for Karachi Literature Festival, Karachi, Pakistan


2023 Fellowship at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA), Virginia, USA 2021 Stipendienprogramms des Freistaats Bayern “Junge Kunst und neue Wege”, Bayern Innovativ, Germany 2019 Public choice Painting award, The Pienkow Artist Residency, Chelm, Poland 2018 Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship to study MA Ceramic Design at University of Pécs, Hungary — Received a Grant to Participate at course “Processual paintings, memory scrapings and slowing down” directed by Hubert Scheibl at summer academy of fine arts, Salzburg, Austria 

RESIDENCIES AND CONFERENCES 2019 “Selection of Persian carpet as a subject matter in Visual Arts” Ninth European Conference of Iranian Studies, Freie Universitat Berlin on behalf of the Societas Iranolocica Europea, Berlin,Germany 2019 Summer internship at International Ceramic Studio, Kecskemét, Hungary The Pienkowart Fully Funded Residency, Chelm, Poland — “Processual paintings, memory scrapings and slowing down” directed by Hubert Scheibl at Summer Academy of Fine Arts, Salzburg, Austria

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