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* 1984 in Munich, Germany//  based in Berlin

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Die in Berlin lebende deutsch-iranische Künstlerin Nigin Beck (*1984 in München) spürt in ihrer Arbeit den Tropen und Mythen rund um Liebe, Verlust und Nostalgie nach. Dabei spannt sie den Bogen über zwei unterschiedliche Kulturen, die von ihrer eigenen Herkunft geprägt sind. Sie spielt dabei mit verschiedenen kulturellen Referenzen, aus der christlichen und persischen Traditionen und übertreibt diese, um ihrer Sentimentalität zu zähmen. Auf diese Weise universalisiert sie jedes Symbol, indem sie es monumentalisiert.



Berlin-based, German-Iranian artist Nigin Beck (b. 1984 Munich) explores the tropes and myths around love, loss, and nostalgia, straining each sweeping thematic through two disparate cultures that are informed by her own heritage. Playing with cultural references, Beck borrows loaded relics from Christian and Persian traditions and exaggerates them to tame them from of their sentimentality. In doing so, she universalizes each symbol by monumentalizing it.


2005-11 Academy of Fine Arts Munich, Germany / Prof. Olaf Metzel, "Meisterschülerin" / Prof. Olaf Metzel

2019 Solo exhibition "YEKI BUD, YEKI NABUD", Ashley, Berlin, Germany - "Le Pong Le Ping", JO VAN DE LOO, Munich, Germany - 2018/2019 "The Rabbit I Never Got", Austrian Association of Women Artists (VBKÖ), Vienna, Austria - 2017 Solo exhibition "Places that are not - Nostalgia for Mahdieh", JO VAN DE LOO, Munich, Germany - "My yellow is yours, your red is mine", Pogobar KW Berlin, Germany - 2016 "Hayward und Tamayo", Kunstverein München, Germany - "Jahresgaben", Kunstverein München, Germany - 2015 Solo exhibition "I voodoo like you do", JO VAN DE LOO, Munich, Germany - "Jahresgaben", Kunstverein München, Germany - 2014 "LePingLePong", JO VAN DE LOO, Munich, Germany - 2013 "justforanightandaday", JO VAN DE LOO, Munich, Germany - "Monsters Devils Heroes", JO VAN DE LOO, Munich, Germany - "Reality is North, Empty Dreams are West. Fake Hopes are East, and We are South", Prince of Wales‚ Munich, Germany - 2012 Edition Prince of Wales, Munich Germany - Magasin Souvenir Berlin, Germany - Jahresgaben Kunstverein München, Germany - 2011 Solo exhibition "Tehrangeles", Galerie F 5,6 Munich, Germany - Group Affinity, Kunstverein München - 2010 "Erst Oehlen dann Metzeln", Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, Germany grants / awards 2012 "Debütantenpreis", Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, Germany - publications 2012 "I cover my eyes, all I see is you", artist book, limited edition

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